Booking policy


1. General provisions

The General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter GTC) summarize the contractual content on the basis of which Rotorwing Limited Liability Company – (hereinafter: Service Provider) generally concludes a service contract with its Clients.

Service Provider details:

Details of Rotorwing Limited Liability Company (abbreviated as: Rotorwing Ltd.):

Name: Rotorwing Ltd.
Headquarters: H-2092 Budakeszi, Avar utca 28-30.
Postal address: H-2092 Budakeszi, Avar utca 28-30.
Registration authority: Budapest Environs Court
Company registration number: 13-09-060250
Tax number: 10237418-2-13
Represented by: Imreh Lajos
Phone number: +36-30-942-8972
E-mail: [email protected]
Bank account number: 10700268-25178902-51100005

Personal and material scope

These General Terms and Conditions apply to air freight, aviation or any other services related thereto provided by the Service Provider, to all natural or legal persons using any of these Services (hereinafter referred to as the Customer), to third parties ordering any of the Services for, on behalf and at the expense of the Customer (hereinafter referred to as "Proxy"), and to any of these services to the Customer, but in its own name and natural or legal person (hereinafter referred to as the "Intermediary") (the Client and the Intermediary are hereinafter jointly referred to as the Customer).

These GTC are effective from September 04, 2023.

Specific conditions do not form part of these GTC, but do not exclude the conclusion of separate, special agreements with business Customers, Resellers, Tour Operators, Travel Agents.

The Service Provider is entitled to unilaterally amend these GTC at any time, but at the same time it is obliged to publish on its Website an extract recording the changes to the GTC and the GTC consolidated with the changes at least 8 days before the planned entry into force of the amendment.

In addition, the Service Provider is obliged to notify the Customer with an already concluded, effective and awaiting Individual Contract at least 8 days prior to the planned entry into force of the GTC amendment in writing, or electronically (by e-mail) – directly or through its Delegate – of the change in accordance with the available contact details of the GTC amendment and the GTC consolidated with the changes, or containing the possibility of viewing it on the Service Provider's website by sending a notice. The notice shall also contain information on the Customer's right of termination under this clause.

The Service Provider's notification obligation under this section only exists if the provision of services on the basis of an individual contract already concluded, effective and awaiting performance takes place – in whole or in part – after the entry into force of the GTC amendment.

The Customer is entitled to terminate the concluded Individual Agreement with immediate effect within 5 days of the direct notification under this clause by unilateral, written statement sent to the Service Provider in the event that it affects an essential obligation of the Service Provider and falls adversely on the Customer.

If the Customer fails to exercise its right of termination with immediate effect under this clause or fails to exercise the deadline for doing so, the amended GTC consolidated with changes shall be deemed accepted by the Customer.

The Service Provider does not submit to a code of conduct, the contract is considered to be in writing, the language of conclusion of the contract is Hungarian.

2. Contracting Parties

2.1. The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Customer. If the Customer places the order for services directly with the Service Provider, the Customer becomes the Contracting Party. The Service Provider and the Customer jointly, if the conditions are met, become contractual parties (hereinafter: Parties).

2.2. If the order for services is placed by a third party (hereinafter: Intermediary) on behalf of the Customer to the Service Provider, the terms of cooperation are governed by the agreement between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to examine whether the third party legally represents the Customer.

3. Terms and conditions of using the service

3.1. At the Customer's oral or written request for an offer, the Service Provider shall provide a written or oral offer. The oral or written offer shall be made on the basis of available capacity at the moment of the request for quotation. The Service Provider confirms the still bookable service when the Customer orders it in writing.

If the Service Provider provides the Customer with a conditional reservation of the oral or written offer and no specific order is received from the Customer by the specified deadline, the Service Provider's obligation to make an offer ceases.

3.2. The Agreement is concluded only with the written confirmation of the Customer's written reservation sent by the Service Provider and/or with the ordering and confirmation of the Service Provider's website and thus qualifies as a written Contract.

3.3. A verbal booking, agreement, modification or verbal confirmation thereof by the Service Provider does not have the value of a contract.

3.4. The Contract for the use of the Service is concluded for a specific period.

3.5. If the Customer definitively cancels the ordered and confirmed Service before the end of the period specified by the Service Provider, the Service Provider is entitled to the full consideration of the service stipulated in the Contract and the consideration of the Services used by the Customer.

3.6. The use of the Service is subject to the condition that the Clients prove their identity in accordance with the legal requirements, accept the General Terms and Conditions and accept the following terms and conditions in writing.

1. At the events of the Service Provider (hereinafter: event), everyone may participate in helicopter adventure flights, extreme flights/Helibungeen / Heliride, or other services provided by the Service Provider (hereinafter: service) at their own risk.

2. Children under the age of 14 may only use the service with prior written parental permission and adult supervision. In the absence of this, the Service Provider refuses to provide the service.

3. Persons under the influence of alcohol or any kind of intoxication or drugs may not use the service. After excluding the client, no costs, advances or fees incurred will be refunded.

4. In the course of the service, the Service Provider may make video and audio recordings, on which the Customer may also appear, but the Customer may not make any claims against the makers of the recording or its authorized users.

5. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any material damage that may have occurred during the use of the service. During the flight, the Customers may only use electronic devices at their own risk, the Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages incurred therein.

6. The extreme helicopter service can be used by up to 5 people at the same time. The Service Provider reserves the rightto form groups of 5 people. When allocating seats, the Service Provider takes maximum account of the needs of the Customers, but reserves the right to establish the seating arrangements.

7. FLYING IS A DANGEROUS BUSINESS! When using the service, the Customer is obliged to fully comply with the security rules and the instructions of the Service Provider. In case of non-compliance with the conditions of participation, the Service Provider may exclude the Customer with immediate effect, who is not entitled to any costs, advance payments or refund of fees incurred due to the exclusion

8. By a written declaration to be signed prior to using the service, the Customer acknowledges that it has received oral information about the activity / service provided by the Service Provider and its possible dangers. The client has the opportunity to discuss the information received and ask questions. The Client was also informed about the expected behaviors, which the Customer understood.

9. The Client acknowledges that the service cannot be used in case of high-risk diseases (e.g. cardiovascular problems, thrombosis risk), diseases affecting or significantly limiting mobility and/or previous surgeries (e.g. spinal surgery), as well as psychological diseases (e.g. disturbance of consciousness, untreated panic disorder), as well as in case of psychotropic drugs or under the influence of alcohol.

10. Weather: Service provided by Service Provider depends on weather. The Service Provider treats the safety of the Customers, its own crew and flying equipment as a top priority, so it cannot provide the service to the Customer in times unfit for flight. Based on the flight meteorological forecast, if it becomes doubtful or effectively impossible to provide the Service at a given time, the Service Provider shall inform the Customer in the shortest possible time and the Parties shall jointly agree on setting the next service date. At the time of providing the service, the Service Provider shall determine the weather unfit for flight as force majeure, which fact is accepted by the Parties.

11. In all cases, the Client declares in writing that he is healthy, is not subject to medical treatment, undertakes to use the Service of his own free will, and no one has forced him to do so.

The Customer acknowledges that during the Service period, the Service Provider providing the service, nor the employee or performance assistant responsible for the activity shall be liable for any material, personal injury or possible death resulting from its inadequate health condition or conduct.

3.7. The modification and/or supplementation of the Agreement requires the written request of the Customer and the written confirmation of the Service Provider.

4. Start and end of the Service

4.1. The Customer has the right to use the services requested at a specific time of the previously agreed day, at a place mutually agreed and agreed with the Service Provider

4.2. In the event that the Customer does not appear on the agreed day, the Service Provider may withdraw from the contract until a specified hour.

5. Prices

5.1. The Service Provider's current list prices are available on the Service Provider's website.

5.2. The Service Provider may change its advertised prices without prior notice (for example: package prices or other discounts). If the Customer has booked a service and the Service Provider has confirmed it in writing, the Service Provider may no longer change this Service Fee. The Service Provider's current prices can be found on the Service Provider's website.

5.3. When communicating prices, the Service Provider indicates the statutory rate of the tax content (VAT) of the prices valid at the time of the offer. The published prices include the VAT specified by law. The Service Provider shall transfer the additional burdens due to the amendment of the applicable tax law (VAT) to the Contracting Party using the service, with prior notification.

6. Offers, discounts

6.1. Current offers and discounts are advertised on the Service Provider's website. The advertised discounts always apply to individual bookings.

6.2. The advertised discounts cannot be combined with any other discount, cannot be exchanged for money and can be unilaterally extended and withdrawn by the Service Provider.

6.3. In the case of booking Services subject to special conditions, group bookings or events, the Service Provider establishes conditions set out in an individual contract.

7. General cancellation and modification policy for groups and individuals

7.1. General rules of cancellation and modification conditions:

If the Contracting Party using the service has secured the use of the service by prepayment and does not appear on the day of service, the Service Provider shall enforce the full amount of the fee paid in the amount specified in the Agreement as a penalty, the Service Provider's obligation to provide services shall cease, and the service may be sold to a third Customer.

If force majeure or any other external unavoidable reason not attributable to the Customer makes the performance of the contract impossible, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract without paying a cancellation fee. The Customer is obliged to credibly prove the existence of force majeure or any other reason at the time of making the withdrawal declaration. The Service Provider accepts as authentic only evidence from public and official sources (e.g. official travel restrictions issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the given country, flight cancellation notification of an airline, which can be independently verified by the Service Provider (third party), etc.).

8.2. Cancellation Policy and Modifications for Individuals

You are free to cancel or modify your booking up to 45 days before the service date by written declaration, and the Customer is also obliged to pay the cancellation fee specified in the Ad hoc Agreement (as a failure penalty) linked to the date and extent of the cancellation in accordance with the provisions of this clause

8.3 The Customer may cancel the service free of charge until 45 days prior to using the Service.

8.4 The Customer may cancel the service between 30 and 44 days prior to using the Service in such a way and in such a way that he is entitled to a 25% reduced refund of the total service fee paid.

8.5 The Customer may cancel the service between 15 and 29 days prior to using the Service in such a way and in such a way that he is entitled to a 50% reduced refund of the total service fee paid.

8.6 The Customer may cancel the service between 8 and 14 days prior to using the Service in such a way and in such a way that he/she is entitled to a 65% reduced refund of the total service fee paid.

8.7 The Customer may cancel the service between 4 and 7 days prior to using the Service in such a way and in such a way that he is entitled to a 75% reduced refund of the total service fee paid.

8.8 The Customer may cancel the service until 3-1 days before using the Service, but is not entitled to a refund of the full service fee paid.

If the Contracting Party using the service is an economic organization (including business associations, social organizations, churches, local governments, local government institutions, state organizations and their institutions, etc.), the contractual penalty due in case of withdrawal shall be paid to the Service Provider by the Contracting Party / Customer using the service, even if the Service Fee is directly borne by the Guest acting on behalf of the Customer.

Cancellations and modifications are accepted by the Service Provider only in writing. The written cancellation must be received by the Service Provider by the specified date.

8.9. Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the obligation to provide services.

8.10. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Service Contract for the service with immediate effect in writing within two working days of becoming aware of the listed circumstances in the following cases, thus refusing to provide the services if:

a.) If the advance, the total amount or other security on the part of the Customer is not paid within the deadline set by the Service Provider.

b.) If Customer uses the Service improperly or intentionally causes damage;

c.) If the Customer intentionally or through gross negligence violates the safety, fire safety and other regulations of the Service Provider, behaves in an objectionable, rude, threatening, disturbing their peace or violating public morality towards the Service Provider's employees, co-workers, vicarious agents or other Guests or behaves in any other unacceptable manner, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or suffers from an infectious disease;

d.) Bankruptcy, liquidation, voluntary liquidation, compulsory liquidation or any other procedure relating to the termination of the Customer has been initiated against the Customer company or other entity;

e.) the event intended by the Customer to be held in the territory of the Service Provider may endanger the smooth operation, security or reputation of the Service Provider;

f.) force majeure or other external, unavoidable reasons not attributable to the Service Provider make the performance of the contract impossible.

8.11. If the Contract between the Parties is not performed for reasons of "force majeure", the Agreement shall be terminated.

9. Payment method, guarantee

9.1. The price of the ordered services is always paid at the time of booking or on the website of the speaker by credit card, on the basis of a proforma invoice issued by the Service Provider, or in cash by payment to the Service Provider's cashier. The Service Provider accepts SZÉP cards.

9.2. In the case of a transfer – unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement concluded with the Service Provider – the Customer is obliged to transfer the consideration of the ordered services to the Service Provider's bank account by the date specified on the invoice issued in such a way that the given amount is credited to the Service Provider's bank account by the payment deadline specified on the invoice or the Customer confirms the transfer with an irrevocable statement issued by the financial institution holding the account, certifying that the transfer has taken place.

9.3. By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer acknowledges and accepts that the Service Provider issues an invoice for the fees payable and the amount paid by the Customer to the Service Provider on any grounds.

When issuing the invoice for the paid/payable amounts, the Service Provider will use the data provided at the time of online booking, and in the case of booking by e-mail, the data provided by the person making the reservation.

The data entered here (name, address, tax number if necessary) will be included in the "Customer" section of the invoice. The Service Provider issues the final invoice based on the data provided at the time of booking.

10. Gift vouchers

Vouchers issued by the Service Provider and/or its contracted partner:

Gift vouchers ordered in writing and paid 100% in advance will be invoiced and issued upon receipt of the amount. The Customer has the option to request both postal and electronic delivery, the Service Provider is not responsible for the delivery of gift vouchers sent by post. An advance invoice is prepared for the amount paid, and the final invoice is issued when the voucher is used. The gift voucher cannot be combined with other discounts or used during excluded periods, even if an additional fee is paid.

The voucher cannot be redeemed, it cannot be exchanged for cash either in relation to the Service Provider or a third party.

Gift vouchers may not be transferred, resold or traded in secondary circulation (including on the auction side) for consideration.

Beyond the redemption period, the voucher will become valid, unless it is extended by the Service Provider with a unilateral declaration.

11. Customer rights

12.1. By concluding the service contract, the Customer acquires the right to use the purchased service.

12.2. The Customer may complain about the performance of the services provided by the Service Provider during the period of using the service. The Service Provider undertakes to handle complaints sent to it (or recorded in minutes by it) during this period. The Service Provider handles any complaints individually.

13. Obligations of the Customer

13.1. Payment of the agreed fee: due by the deadline specified in the confirmation.

The Customers may park their vehicles free of charge in an unguarded parking lot at the Service Point.

The Service Provider excludes its liability for any damage to vehicles and objects placed in the parking lot (including, but not limited to: breaking into the car and stealing any object in the vehicle; theft of the vehicle; damage caused by natural phenomena, damage caused by another vehicle using the parking lot).

You must drive in the parking lot according to the Highway Code.

13.2. According to the implementation of Act XLII of 1999 on the protection of non-smokers and certain rules for the consumption and distribution of tobacco products, smoking is prohibited in the closed premises and community areas of the Service Provider. The Service Provider has placed signs calling for the obligation to comply with the aforementioned legislation in the areas prescribed by law. The Service Provider's employees are entitled to warn the Customers and any other person present in the territory to comply with the law and to stop the unlawful conduct. The Customers or any person present in the Service Provider's territory are obliged to comply with the law and to comply with any request.

If the operator of the service is fined by the competent authority based on the aforementioned legislation due to the unlawful conduct of any Customer or other person staying in the territory of the Service Provider, the Service Provider reserves the right to pass on the amount of the fine to the person engaged in the given unlawful conduct or to demand payment thereof.

If the Customer demonstrably violates the obligations set out in the above legislation, it is obliged to pay the established penalty fee to the Service Provider.

13.3. The Customer shall ensure that the child under the age of 14 under his/her responsibility stays in the Service Provider's territory only under adult supervision, and the parent bears full responsibility for any damage caused by the child. The Customer shall be liable for all damages suffered by the Service Provider due to the fault of the Customer, its companion or other persons under the responsibility of the Customer.

14. Imports of animals

Although the Service Provider is largely animal-friendly, due to the nature of the service (dangerous operation, noise effect, etc.), it is forbidden to bring animals into the territory of the Service Provider.

15. Security of data processing

The Service Provider regulates data processing in the PRIVACY STATEMENT, which is available on the website.

16. Service Provider's liability for damages

16.1. Service provider shall not be liable for damages that occurred due to an unavoidable cause beyond the control of Service provider's employees and Guests or were caused by the Customer himself.

16.2. Furthermore, Service Provider shall not be liable for damages resulting from improper use.

17. Confidentiality

17.1. In fulfilling its obligation under the Agreement, the Service Provider is obliged to act in accordance with the rules of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (hereinafter: Information Act).

18. Vis major

18.1. Any cause or circumstance (e.g. war, fire, flood, adverse weather, lack of electricity, strike) over which neither party has control (force majeure) shall release either party from performing its obligations under the Agreement as long as such cause or circumstance exists.

18. Place of performance and applicable law in the legal relationship of the parties, trial court

18.1. The place of performance is the place where the Service Provider provides the service.

18.2. In connection with all disputes arising from the service contract, the competent court shall be designated in relation to the Service Provider.

18.3. The legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Customer shall be governed by the provisions of Hungarian law.

19. Privacy Policy

19.1. In the course of its activities, the Service Provider considers the protection of personal data to be of paramount importance. In all cases, it handles the personal data provided to it in compliance with the applicable legislation, ensures their security, takes the technical and organizational measures and establishes the procedural rules necessary to comply with the relevant legislation.

In the course of the Service Provider's activities, the data of users are collected by the Service Provider in accordance with the rules of the Information Act and the GDPR.

20. Final provisions

20.1. By entering into a service agreement, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to the above terms and conditions. By accepting these GTC, you further declare that the Service Provider has made it possible for you to familiarize yourself with the content of the GTC prior to concluding the contract, and you have been separately informed about the general terms and conditions that differ substantially from the law or standard contractual practice and you have expressly accepted them after this separate information. These GTC can be viewed on the Service Provider's website.

20.2. With regard to matters not regulated or not sufficiently regulated in these GTC, the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and the Hungarian legislation in force shall apply.

20.1. Contact details of the competent Consumer Protection Authority:


20.2. Contact details of the competent Conciliation Body:

Service Provider details:

Details of Rotorwing Limited Liability Company (abbreviated as: Rotorwing Ltd.):

Name: Rotorwing Ltd.
Headquarters: H-2092 Budakeszi, Avar utca 28-30.
Postal address: H-2092 Budakeszi, Avar utca 28-30.
Registration authority: Budapest Environs Court
Company registration number: 13-09-060250
Tax number: 10237418-2-13
Represented by: Imreh Lajos
Phone number: +36-30-942-8972
E-mail: [email protected]
Bank account number: 10700268-25178902-51100005

HostingProvider details
Name: AB Plus Bt.
Headquarters: H-2049 Diósd, IV. Béla Király utca 48.
Contact: +36-1-445-0509, [email protected]

1. ​By using the services available on the Service Provider's website, the User accepts the terms and conditions listed here.

2. ​The Service Provider has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided on the website is accurate at the time of upload. Nevertheless, the Service Provider does not assume any responsibility or warranty, either express or implied, for the information provided through the website and reserves the right to make changes and corrections to it at any time without notice, or to discontinue the website or the information published on it in whole or in part.

3​The Service Provider shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions occurring on the website. The offers are not legally binding and do not constitute any obligation for the Service Provider in any form. Any decision based on the information on the website is the User's own responsibility.

4​The Service Provider shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from access to or failure to access or use the website or any information contained therein.

5​The Service Provider shall not be liable for content created, transmitted, stored, made available or published by third parties to which the Service Provider's website is linked or to which the website refers.

6​The Service Provider does not guarantee that access to the website will be continuous or error-free. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages, losses, costs that may arise from the use of the website, its unusable condition, improper operation, malfunction, unauthorized alteration of data by anyone, or resulting from delays in transmitting information, computer viruses, line or system failures, or other similar reasons.

7. ​A Szolgáltató – a vevői, partnerei és egyéb ügyfelei személyére, adataira, a fennálló üzleti kapcsolataira vonatkozó valamennyi információt üzleti titokként kezeli. Az üzleti titokként történő kezelés alól csak az érintett adatszolgáltató adhat felmentést. A Szolgáltató az interneten keresztül hozzá eljuttatott valamennyi adatot ugyanolyan védelemmel kezeli, mintha azokat egyéb úton bocsátották volna rendelkezésére.

8. ​Copyright

8.1​The Service Provider's website, all visual, sound and text content and their arrangement, in particular names, logos, graphics, information, analyses and other information materials are protected by copyright.

8.2​The content of the Website in any form, in particular reproduction, transfer, distribution, adaptation or storage, in addition to personal use, is only possible with the express written permission of the Service Provider.

8.3​The entire content of the website is the property or disposal of the Service Provider. The content of the website is protected by copyright. Unless otherwise provided by Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright, no part of the website may be copied or published without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

8.4​Within the scope of personal use, the user is permitted to store or print the contents or extracts of the Website on a computer.

8.5. ​The sender is solely responsible for the content of the messages uploaded to the website or sent to the Service Provider and for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information contained therein. A website is a service provided to visitors. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify or supplement the content of the website at any time without justification or notification.

8.6. ​The use of the website that deviates from or violates the Service Provider's terms and conditions detailed above may result in copyright, civil and criminal penalties. The Service Provider shall take action against any infringement brought to its knowledge.

9. ​If, under applicable law, any term of a legal notice is deemed invalid, the validity of the remaining terms shall not be affected.